Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Quote - A Small Quote With a Big Meaning

Some quotes are complex, some are funny, some have hidden meanings while others are straight to the point. Today's quote is short and right to the point.

"No one is coming"

I'd put an author but many people must have said those words at one time or another. But the inspired meaning of the quote, which I'll explain my view in a bit, came to me from Nathaniel Branden in his book The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem, which by the way is a must read for anyone conscious about their life.

"No one is coming" does not mean we'll forever be alone. It does not mean we'll never get help. It does not mean love does not exist. It simply means that if somebody truly wants something, they are the ones who'll have to put the effort to get it. No one is going to come do it for them. If Andy wants a great job, he can leave it to luck but chances are much better if does everything in his power to get it. No one is coming to save anyone, make others life right or even exercise for strangers. Waiting for miracles to happen on there own can be comforting but rarely yields to good results. Everyone is responsible for it's own existence.

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