Monday, August 8, 2011

Convert Hate to Motivation

Human beings are strongly opinionated individuals and even more strongly opinionated in groups. We may love art and hate sports. Maybe you enjoy reading, hopefully you do since you are reading my blog, but find watching movies boring. You might like mathematics and dislike history classes. Everyone is entitled to like and dislike what they want.

All this is subjective and should stay like that.

But sometimes matters we are not very fond of are forced on us. For example, if you are on a bus tour and a movie is playing, it's hare to ignore it even if it's a genre you don't find pleasure in watching. Same goes at university you'll have classes that doesn't interest you. The context you're in doesn't matter, if you start of with the thought that you will hate your experience, you will.

That's why you have to make a conscious effort to change your mindset prior to engaging yourself in an experience you apprehend. One thing you must know is that all disciplines have people who are passionate about it. It may not be your "thing" but it is somebody else's "thing". And if someone has found passion in it, then without a doubt there must be something of value in that discipline. So instead of blindly walk through your experience being miserable because you want to hate it, make it a personal challenge to find what adepts value in it.
When I was in university, I had to take a Sociology class. I thought the subject was boring from the start. Not once was I anticipating to get to that class. I had an attitude for failure from day one. What happened was, I failed. The only class that I ever failed. I took the class again the next year with the intention of finding what values it had. There are Masters in Sociology, there must be something interesting in it that some people spent their lives studying it. The second time around, I actually liked the class and passed it easily.

 Don't let your own thoughts bring you down. All experiences are worth living even if it is one that we won't want to go through again. Appreciate the value in all things and see it as a challenge to yourself instead of starting with an attitude guaranteeing failure and unhappiness.


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