Monday, November 22, 2010

Year without a Summer

Some people can't wait for it, other people dread it's arrival. Snow or White S***.

I was personally thrilled when I looked out the window Saturday morning to see falling snow. I find something magical about falling snow. The magic fades away pretty quickly when it's minus 10 the next day and my bones are freezing.

One way. to teach people that things aren't as bad as they look is to witness, read about or hear of something worst. Hey, cheer up it could be worst.

A quick search on and I started to feel better. Apparently, 1816 is known as the "Year without a summer". Just imagine, it's March and the snow has not even started to melt. April, it's still all there. May, some is gone but you still wear your winter boots. June, you still need earmuffs to get out. July, the electricity bill is still sky high. August, still did not use your bathing-suit. September, you're realize you never got to use your sun lotion and it's gonna expire before next year. October... do I really need to continue describing. I'd feel pretty miserable at that time.

Winter is on our doorsteps, so what? It could be worst. It could be Winter all year long!

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