Friday, January 28, 2011

Quote: Martin Luther King Jr. - Hate and Love

Today, I came across this quote from Martin Luther King, Jr. I don't know the context of the quote, it could be related to any of the major battles he went through for the people's rights.

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."
- Martin Luther King, Jr

I'm not going to comment more than that on this quote. It's self-explanatory. You can't fight something hateful by hating it.

Change of mind. I'm going to comment further. It's not easy to not be hateful about some things that happens sometimes, respecting the non-hateful path alone can be hard. That's why you need to talk about hapiness to your close ones, if you remind them to be happy during their hateful moments, they'll do the same with you later.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

What's your little thing?

What's your little thing? We all have something that we like to do, that little thing we enjoy. To other people it may be a chore but to you it's an escape from this stressful world.

There's a lady in my neighborhood who walks her dogs 3-4 times a day. I'm sure if I stop her one day to tell her how responsible she is to take care of her dogs like that she'd brush my comment off with a "Bah, it's nothing, I like it". To me it's a chore, I play with my dog around the house or in the house rolling on the floor with him, but walking around the block isn't my thing.

What is my little thing? Shoveling. Picking up snow and throwing it a little further. To me it's not a chore, I know it's not like that for everybody. Almost every time I shovel I see the lady passing by with her dog, doing the little thing she enjoy.

So what is your little thing? I'm not talking about an hobby, like sports or reading but sometime that most people sees like a chore but you don't. It can be working out, cleaning the house, mowing the lawn, walking dogs, counting bills, whatever, I wouldn't know it's YOUR little thing!

You may call me crazy but I'm looking forward for tomorrow. Snowstorm! I'm going out tonight to clean the 1-2 centimeter of snow in my driveway to get it ready for tomorrow!

Feel free to share your little things by leaving a comment!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Quote: Thomas Edison - Failure and Light Bulbs

I have an app on my iPad that simply show facts, it has over 200000 facts I think. I wouldn't trust all of them blindly but it's a fun way to pass the time on occasions. Yesterday, I stumbled on this "Thomas Edison was afraid of the dark". Like I said, I'm not sure where they picked their facts but this could explain why he put so much effort in inventing the light bulb! (Not technically the inventor but he's credited of being the inventor for being the first to make an effective and practical light bulb)

Speaking of Thomas Edison and light bulbs, it turns out today's quote is about both! Coincidence? Not at all, I picked the quote this morning.

"I didn't fail, I found 2000 ways how not to do a light bulb" 
- Thomas Edison

I find it an interesting way to see life. If you know ways of how not to do something, then you have much better chances of doing it right.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Are we really smarter in this age of information?

Earlier this week, a friend told me he went bowling. It made me realize own long it's been since I've played bowling. Remembering my young days, when you had a pencil and a sheet of paper to keep the score. Other than make me feel old, it made me realize that no body does that anymore. It's all done for you!

Honestly, who knows how to keep bowling score these days?

We have all the information of the world at our finger tips. Of course, if I ask you how to calculate bowling score, in a few second you have it in front of your eyes and 2 minutes later you know all about it. Because it is so easy to find information. But who bothers to find information about things they don't have to? That they don't need? Yes, some people do. Because that is their way to feel good, to be happy. But for the rest we don't really care how butter is made. I only need to know where to buy it. Same goes for bowling score, it's done automatically so why learn to do it?

Maybe it's just me but I feel like way back, people knew a lot more "important" stuff. Yes, that's the way it is. We need to know how to use computer and they didn't have a need for that.

Bottom line, I don't think we're more or less smart. We have different needs. We adapt to our needs.

Another good friend posted this on his Facebook. It's a really interesting video about how to build an igloo. What struck me is when they mention that the best architects in the world tried and could not find a more efficient way to build an igloo. Some folks with no mathematical degrees or masters, who probably couldn't read not just found a way to build an igloo but found the BEST WAY KNOWN TO MANKIND of building an igloo. Impressive!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Quote - Arthur Samuel Joseph - Achievement From Dedication

How are your new year resolutions going? I'm still crafting mine. If you really want to achieve a better life in 2011 then you must take the time necessary to figure all the things that will do that for the whole year. And it's hard to properly do that during the hectic time of the holidays.

There is not expiration date to set your resolutions. But remember that you are the one losing when you postpone it or don't look for ways to live better.

Once you have your resolutions, remember this:

"Nothing is achieved without extraordinary dedication, commitment and time."
- Arthur Samuel Joseph

Don't expect to change your life in a week. Changing habits, methods, activities, diet, physic, health, friends, work or whatever you want to change in your life takes dedication, commitment and time.

The concept of effort is an harder one than it seems in these days of accessibility. There are quick solutions for almost everything on the market. But most of those solutions are quick fixes that don't really work. You want white teeth there are products out there, but face it, it'll work for a little while and then you'll need to use it again and again. I'm not a teeth expert but I'm sure there are bad and good habits that could be changed to keep your teeth white that would work permanently without the use of commercial products.

You want more money? You can go buy some lottery tickets or learn a new trade.
You want energy? You can drink an energy drink or change your sleeping hours.
You want to lose weight? You can subscribe to the local gym or you can rework your diet and daily routine to have more activities and less sitting.

Notice a trend? The easy solution is never permanent. Arthur sums it pretty well, you'll need to work hard if you want to achieve your new years resolutions.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Onion problem solved

A quick blog for those of you who are worried about my onion chopping problem. As with any problems there is a solution. No I did not buy some onion protection goggles. Yes, they exists! I learned a new quick way to chop onions.

I've included a fantastic drawing of the technique that I made myself. I can't draw onions, one more reason for onions to make me cry!

A. Cut it in half so that the stem is cut in half.

B. Lay it flat and slice the onion not quite all the way to the stem. So that it all hold together.

C. Chop it in the opposite direction, throw away the stem part. The rest should crumble to little pieces.

There you go. It's easy as 1-2-3 ... or A-B-C in my case.

Evil onions don't stand a chance against me now! No more crying!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Quote - Learn From Losing

Today, I was reading an article in Motivated Magazine ( about fear by Brian Price, 3-time World Champion and Olympic Champion in Men's Eight for the Canadian National Rowing Team. Within the article I stumbled upon a quote that I find reflects perfectly the aim of this blog.

"If you lose, don't lose the lesson. Reflect and move forward."

This blog is all about reflection. My goal is not to give you ultimate advices on life but to spark some awareness about you and your surrounding. I don't believe there are solutions out there that can apply to everybody. Every person is unique, therefore every person has unique challenges in life. Everybody has their own little things that makes them happy.

About today's quote. It's simple enough. If you fail (and we all fail from time to time) don't let that stop you from going forward. Learn from it and let that help you move forward. Don't stop.