Monday, February 28, 2011

Quote - Mick Napier - Fearless Living

Mick Napier
This week's quote can apply to everyone. We all want something we can't get out of our daily routines. To travel, a particular job, to be better at something, be a writer.

Some time ago, I picked up a book recommendation on improvisation. Curious, I bought it and read it. Improvise by Mick Napier who is one of the most notorious improviser in North America. Before I read the book I was the worst improviser on earth and I still am after. Don't quote me wrong, the book is great, Mick is a master of his art there's no doubt about it. The reason I did not improve has nothing to do with the book, I just did not practice improv and put all the tricks in action. No practice, no gain. But I still learned a lot from the book and every time I have the chance to read something from a master of his art, it's always an insightful experience. People who succeed in life always have some good advices to share about how they got there. In this case, this particular line in the book caught my attention...

"Declare what you honestly want and live that vision fearlessly."
- Mick Napier

When saying this, Mick was discussing the many reasons why people do improvisation. For fun. To meet people. And to be a professional improviser. And in that case he's saying to put it on the table, tell others that that's your plans. Don't pretend to do improvisation for fun when your real goal is to become a professional. And once you've declared and shared your goal, live it intensely. Put all the effort you can in making it a reality and don't fear the reaction of others.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Quote - Blog Like No One Is Reading

Somehow I've been caught up in the world of dancing. My better half dances, last year I've been on a field trip to Florida with the dance troop (as a guess, not a dancer). I'm in charge of her dance school website. Last week amidst all that dance involvement, the popular quote about dancing like no one is watching came to mind. Like always, when I come across a quote I think about my blog and if I could write an entry about it.

"Dance like no one is watching,
love like you'll never be hurt,
sing like no one is listening,
and live like it's heaven on earth."
- William Purkey

"and blog like no one is reading."
- Mat
So I thought it was pretty fitting since that's what I've been doing. Who's reading my blog? I don't know. Is anyone actually reading my blog? I don't know. (Actually, that's not true, I can see some stats of visits to my blog. But that doesn't mean people actually read my posts).
The important thing about this quote is: it does not matter what people think. This is in the same vein as my recent post about the article by Neil Strauss on stars and their belief in God or what ever strong belief they have driving them forward. Do you really think Lady Gaga would be where she is if she let herself down every time someone say something bad about the way dressed? Justin Bieber would have never sang a single word ever again if he'd listen to all the criticism that went his way after he became famous. I'm not going to repeat it all again, go read the article if you haven't done so yet.

Have a good day, No One. Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Quote - Ralph Waldo Emerson - Conquering Fear

Last weekend, me and my family, entered into a long discussion about conquering fear. We talked about some things we did in the past that we feared. Things that given the choice at that time we wouldn't have done. But what we realized is that you never regret going through something fearful and conquering it.

Think about it. How did you feel after you conquered your fears in the past? The first time you spoke in front of a classroom. How you wanted to hide somewhere before and then once you've done it how proud you were that you did it.

"He who is not everyday conquering some fear has not learned the secret of life."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, February 11, 2011

Article: God at the Grammys by Neil Strauss

Coincidence? Maybe. I stumbled upon an article from Neil Strauss, the author of my last post's quote, today. I did not even know he wrote articles for the Wall Street Journal. It's an article about the Stars and their beliefs in God. It's really interesting.

God at the Grammys: The Chosen Ones

Go read the article. Here's a passage I liked:

"This hardly proves that there is a God guiding the destiny of these stars. But it does suggest that unshakable confidence and a powerful sense of purpose are good predictors of success."

In short, people who strongly believe that if they fail someone, like God, will be there to help them back up have a much better chance at success. They have no fear of failure because they know that what ever happens they won't be alone.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Quote: Neil Strauss - Your Best Self

Today's quote is one of my favorite quotes along with this earlier one from Terry Goodkind.

Did someone ever told you "Just be yourself and everything will be alright"? At first, this seems like a pretty noble advice. Don't try to be someone you are not. It makes sense. Don't try to be a comedian when you are not or whatever you are not.

I have one problem with this advice. It also says, be lazy and mediocre things will happen to you. Don't try to become a better person, eventually something that fits will come along.

What is it you want? A prestigious job? A stunning better half? Good friends? If so then ...

"It's not enough to just be yourself.
You must be your best self."
- Neil Strauss

Yes something will come along, but grooming yourself and dressing well will definitely help that stunning person notice you. Practicing your speech and answers will without a doubt give you an edge on that dream job interview. Learning a few jokes will make you more memorable to those interesting persons.

You can either be the one waiting for something good to happen or do whatever it takes to get what you want.

And next time a friend ask you what to do or what's wrong with them. Don't just give them an answer, give them the best answer. To be their best self instead of just themselves.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Wiki: George Washington Carver

George Washington Carver is not the George Washington we all know. He was not the leader of a country. He did not change the lives of millions of people. As a matter of fact, he's barely known for what he did. But the aim of what he did is as much notorious.

George Washington Carver was a peanut expert. Guru of peanuts. The peanut lord.

Ok. What about peanuts that makes the guy such a good person? He took something common (peanuts) and used it to help people in need. Read his story...

In the late 19th and early 20th century, Southern US farmers relied mostly on cotton which depleted the soil. Then on top of that, the boll weevil (an ugly insect migrated from Mexico to destroy the cotton crops.

Times for Southern farmers became hard.

That's when a black man named George Washington Carver born before the slavery was abolished in Missouri. He took a common crops, which was peanut and found over 300 products and uses for it. A 105 recipes and over a 100 products useful for the house and farming. Things like cosmetics, dyes, paints, plastics, gasoline and nitroglycerin. There are no official records of all his inventions, even if he became more famous later his main focus was to help the people in a very difficult time.

Go read his wiki page (, it's very interesting.

To rise up in a time of need and help all the people around you is an incredible feat. And besides, over 300 uses for peanuts? Before I read that I knew about 2 only. Eating them, and peanut butter!

Nitroglycerin, you can make dynamites with peanuts? You just learned something today!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Music - Andy McKee

Here's one of my favorite guitarist. Some people have some ways of sharing their passions, this is one of those guys that there's no questions about is passion of music. Watch, listen and you're automatically brought into his passion.

There's tons of videos of Andy McKee on YouTube but I had to pick one. I love his version of Toto's Africa. The original song is excellent and Andy found the way to keep the essence of Toto's work and bring it to guitar.
