Monday, February 21, 2011

Quote - Blog Like No One Is Reading

Somehow I've been caught up in the world of dancing. My better half dances, last year I've been on a field trip to Florida with the dance troop (as a guess, not a dancer). I'm in charge of her dance school website. Last week amidst all that dance involvement, the popular quote about dancing like no one is watching came to mind. Like always, when I come across a quote I think about my blog and if I could write an entry about it.

"Dance like no one is watching,
love like you'll never be hurt,
sing like no one is listening,
and live like it's heaven on earth."
- William Purkey

"and blog like no one is reading."
- Mat
So I thought it was pretty fitting since that's what I've been doing. Who's reading my blog? I don't know. Is anyone actually reading my blog? I don't know. (Actually, that's not true, I can see some stats of visits to my blog. But that doesn't mean people actually read my posts).
The important thing about this quote is: it does not matter what people think. This is in the same vein as my recent post about the article by Neil Strauss on stars and their belief in God or what ever strong belief they have driving them forward. Do you really think Lady Gaga would be where she is if she let herself down every time someone say something bad about the way dressed? Justin Bieber would have never sang a single word ever again if he'd listen to all the criticism that went his way after he became famous. I'm not going to repeat it all again, go read the article if you haven't done so yet.

Have a good day, No One. Thanks for reading!

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