Friday, December 2, 2011

A Friendly Reminder

Good day,

2011 is coming to an end. December, people start getting ready for Christmas while others are ready and waiting impatiently to give the outdated gifts they bought months ago. December for some is the only month they cook well prepared meals and desert, to redeem them selves or to impress relatives. December is a very busy month for many reasons we all know too well.

My reminder to you is that December is the last chance you'll ever get to fulfill your 2011 resolutions. Admit it that you did not maintained or accomplish them. If you did, I think you've set the bar a little to low. Finish the year on a high note, complete all those resolutions and get ready for 2012. Yearly resolutions are not made to be transferable from one year to the next, or else they'd be called life resolutions.

Unfortunately, this does not seems to be the case. Each January, gym subscriptions skyrocket. Abs King Pro, Roller, Disintegrator 3000 or what ever they are called fly off the shelves. Get over with it now and set new objectives for next year. Realistic and measurable one.

30 days left to make 2011 worth while if you haven't done it yet. We'll talk again in a month when it's time to set new ones for 2012.

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