Saturday, December 31, 2011

2012: The Year YOU Are At YOUR best

This is it. My last post of 2011. It's been a great year. I've matured in so many ways. I've also kept my blog alive all year long, improving along the way, which was one of my 2011 resolutions. I want to thank everyone who has read my posts and given me feedback. You are the reason I keep writing my entries.

For great inspiration from 2011, search #2011highs on twitter and read the great things people did in this great year.


But enough of the past. One can't stop when he has attained a goal, the journey must continue. What will be 2012 for you? Do you see a great year ahead? Do you see changes? Or do you see the same old routine again?

I'm not going to tell you what would be a great resolution for you, you must find that yourself. Loosing weight, stop smoking, eating healthier... these are our society's resolution. Dig deeper and find your own.

One piece of advice. I've mentioned this quote in one of my very first blog entries. It's an advice I got from Neil Strauss a long way back and it stuck in my mind like Wile E. Coyote sticks to an Acme Corporation giant magnet.

"It's not enough to just be yourself, you must be your best self." - Neil Strauss
If you apply the best self principle to everything you do, great things are going to happen in 2012 no matter what your objectives are.

I wish you all a great year.

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