Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Dark Powers of Waiting

Since I don't have children, one of the things I've always wondered is at what point in your child's life do you tackle on sensitive matters? At what point do storks stop delivering babies to your door? That one isn't too bad, the question will come one day or another and you just answer it truthfully. But what about the more subtle things like making their own bed or folding their own cloths. It's been done for them for years and someday, somehow they must start doing it on their own. It's easy to say that you simply ask, but when? Don't forget it's years of habits, you can't just change that overnight. It wouldn't be fair for the kid or the parent.

Now, what about the other aspects of life? Waiting, gaining habits is as much powerful in any aspects of life.

Personal life, the longer you wait before starting working on your personal goals, the lazier you'll get and harder it will be to break your lazy habits to take out challenges. If you run everyday it's almost effortless to get up and run a few miles before going to work but if you never or rarely do it, it's going to be extremely demanding to do. You find excuses to delay your running, like humm writing a blog post... I'm going right after this...

In a relationship, with someone you love, a friend or family, if something bothers you the longer you wait before bringing it up the tougher it will be to tell the other. Even at one point you'll start to doubt yourself and try to convince your own self that it's non-important. I said if something bothers you but same goes for the things you like and love about someone. The longer you wait the harder it will be to get it out.

According to Cesar Milan, the Dog Whisperer, a dog can learn any trick or new behavior at any age at the same rate as when it's young. But you've surely heard dog owners say something like "I hate it when it does that but it's to old now to learn otherwise". A dog behavior is mostly based on your own day to day routine. Most of the time changing a dog behavior would mean changing your own way of doing things and that is often the problem to training an old dog new tricks. It's not the dog who is too old to learn, it's the owner who can't change its years long habits with its dog. I love watching the Dog Whisperer with Cesar Milan cause most of the time it turns out into couple therapy instead of dog therapy. It shows just how most of the time, when something is going wrong, you can track the source to yourself and adapt to change the world around you.

See the world around you as dogs who can always learn new tricks and behaviors but to teach them new tricks it is you who must change and adapt to new habits.

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