Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Quote - Marilyn Manson - Going All The Way

Photo by Georges Biard
I've always said, a good quote is a good quote no matter who said it. If you can gain something from a quote or a saying take it no matter who said it. Some 3 year old kids sometimes have insightful saying. Some serial killer could say something meaningful about life. Who knows? Every persons have their own baggage of experience from which we can all learn a bit.

A lot of people would not approve all the things Marilyn Manson does. Very few parents would like their kids to follow his tracks. But nonetheless, here's a very good quote from a man who's actions are questionable.

"A lot of people as gone most of the way, so you really have to to go all the way to make something in life."

Of course "all the way" can mean different things to different persons. As with all quotes, everybody finds the meaning that fits them.

This quotes comes from the book Everybody Loves You When You're Dead from Neil Strauss. This particular section with Marilyn Manson ends with a pretty unsettling citation... "I think I have a lot more in store that people really won't expect". Coming from a person like that, I REALLY don't know what to expect!

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