Monday, December 20, 2010

Quotes - Ghandi - Present, Past, Future and Speed

Last week was a very busy week for me. That could explain why I did not blog. But then again there is always a way to do things you want to do, so no excuses for me. I can't repair the past, the only thing I can do is decides what I can do now that's the best. So, lucky you will get two quotes in a single blog! Wicked!

Both quotes relates to the present, past and future. Not only about what you do now but how you are feeling now. Next to my kitchen table I have this little box full of Zen Cards, visitors pick a random one when they come to visit me. Once in a while I pick one too. Here's what one of them told me...

"The past is over. The future will never come. Now is the only moment that will ever exists. Therefore, live each second to the fullest"
Making the most out Now is key to a happy, blissful, life. Let's say it's raining right now. What point is there to think about yesterday's bright and sunny day? Or wait for tomorrow to make plans just because the weather network says it should be sunny? (We all know how reliable the weather people are!) Now, it's raining and what can you do to make the most out of it?

The next quote comes from Ghandi. I'm not sure the context in which he said it. When I first read it, I immediately had an interpretation for it and ever since its become one of my favorite quotes.

"There is more to life than increasing its speed."
- Ghandi

Have you ever heard somebody say: "Can't wait for the weekend, this week is never ending!" or anything like that? You know that if you always wish it was the weekend at the age of 50 you will have waited 34 years of your life for now to be the weekend? The point is, don't wait for something better to come. Life is meant to be lived now, not in a few days.

I hope you are all living a wonderful road to the holidays.


  1. Love the first quote... but I'm having a hard time actually applying it to my life lately. Thanks for the reminder Mat !

  2. Definitely hard to apply!! It's so easy to cling to the past or wait for the future to arrive.
