Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Christmas is coming. There are a lot of traditions around this time of celebration. Traditions that comes from so long ago that we tend to forget the reason why they started or even why we still do them. In the weeks to come I may talk a little bit about those traditions but today I want to stick to why we keep doing traditions in general.

When you do something, ask yourself why you do it.

If the answer is something like "Because that's what people do", "Because it's the way it is" then you need to think a bit harder and find a reason for yourself. It doesn't need to be profound or historical or event related to the event itself. Sometimes simply "Because it brings me joy" is a much better reason for doing something than to do it because everyone else does it.

Think for yourself. See what birthdays, holidays, events or ceremonies brings you and only. Don't try to transpose your own reasons to others and others reasons to yourself. Some people may do something for historical reason, knowing their grandfather was part of some old ceremonies can be fulfilling to somebody. Someone else may simply like the social interaction that happens during a certain event without any historical attachments. There is no right or wrong reasons to enjoy traditional events, there is only your own reasons.

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