Wednesday, August 31, 2011

August Overview - If you missed it!

August has been our busiest month so far, almost doubling the traffic of the blogs previous busiest month. All thanks to you, the readers.

So here's an overview of the month of August just in case you missed something or don't really feel like reading everything.

* In Learning, are you? I discussed how we often forget to keep learning as we get older and immersed in our work and daily routines. Learning is not easy but should not be dismissed from our lives.

* I talked about the need to take a leap of faith if we really want to achieve our goals. We'll have to lose sight of our comfort zone to get to new heights, so well depicted by Christopher Columbus's quote. This little penguin also shows what it is to take a leap of faith!

"Inspiration always arrives unannounced"
- Vanna Bonta

* On the 8th, I shared my thoughts on Converting Hate in Motivation by sharing a personal experience from when I was in University and found it hard to find passion in courses which I found boring at the time.

* When you meet someone for the first time look for the features and traits to which you can link their names to. Remembering people's name is not an easy task for the brain but there are a few tricks which can help you.

* Remember to always Challenge yourself to do things in better ways. If you are conscious about what you are doing, you'll learn and improve every time making you more and more efficient in everyday tasks. Also you'll find it more motivating when you see improvements.

* Finally, I showed you a video on The Power of Affirmation using NLP principals.

I hope you enjoyed reading the month of August's posts as much I enjoyed writing them. Keep coming for September, I have a lot of interesting topics to discuss and more ideas are always popping in my mind as I experience life.

Go for your dreams.

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