Monday, July 4, 2011

Quote - Along Came The Hippo

Sometimes, you're caught liking something ordinary. You see a plain blue shirt and like it for no apparent reasons, same goes for movies. Along Came Polly is one of those movies for me, when I think about it nothing really stands out, ordinary flick story, simple characters and average acting. Somehow all this mixed with a blind ferret did the trick for me.

Somewhere at the beginning of the movie, Claude, a French scuba diver instructor, tells the story of the hippo which even in this comical setting as a profound meaning.

Claude: It's like zee story of zee heeppo.
Reuben Feffer: I'm not familiar with that story.
Claude: Zee heeppopotamoose, he is not born saying, "Cool beans. I am a heeppo." No way, Joesay. So he try to paint zee stripe on him to be like zee zebra, but he fool no one. Then he try to put zee spot on zee skin to be like the leopard, but everyboody know he is a heeppo. So, at certain point, he look himself in zee mirror and he just say, "Hey. I am a heeppopotamoose and zere is nothing I can do about it." As soon as he accepts zis, he live life happy. Happy as a heeppo. You understand zis, Luban?
Reuben Feffer: [long pause] I'm gonna kill you!

Don't be alarm at Reuben's response to the Hyppo tale, if you don't know the relation between Reuben and Claude watch the movie!

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