Saturday, December 31, 2011

2012: The Year YOU Are At YOUR best

This is it. My last post of 2011. It's been a great year. I've matured in so many ways. I've also kept my blog alive all year long, improving along the way, which was one of my 2011 resolutions. I want to thank everyone who has read my posts and given me feedback. You are the reason I keep writing my entries.

For great inspiration from 2011, search #2011highs on twitter and read the great things people did in this great year.


But enough of the past. One can't stop when he has attained a goal, the journey must continue. What will be 2012 for you? Do you see a great year ahead? Do you see changes? Or do you see the same old routine again?

I'm not going to tell you what would be a great resolution for you, you must find that yourself. Loosing weight, stop smoking, eating healthier... these are our society's resolution. Dig deeper and find your own.

One piece of advice. I've mentioned this quote in one of my very first blog entries. It's an advice I got from Neil Strauss a long way back and it stuck in my mind like Wile E. Coyote sticks to an Acme Corporation giant magnet.

"It's not enough to just be yourself, you must be your best self." - Neil Strauss
If you apply the best self principle to everything you do, great things are going to happen in 2012 no matter what your objectives are.

I wish you all a great year.

Monday, December 19, 2011

50 best photos of the Natural World

We live in a wonderful world, sometimes we need to remind ourselves.

Here's the 50 best photos of the Natural World from the Boston Globe, I believe.

Animals are magnificent in so many ways. These photos shows them at there very best.

Just a few days left before the new year starts. I hope these reminds you of the beauty of this world and pushes you to fulfill your dearest dreams in 2012.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Steve Jobs' 2005 Stanford University Commencement Address

Great speech by a great man.

Steve Jobs goes through 3 of the most marking experiences of his life. There are many great advices to learn from his words.

Connecting the dots. You can't connect the dots going forward but only backward which means you need to have trust in what you do, in your heart and intuitions.

Microsoft just always copies Apple.

Ask yourself if this was my last day on earth would I want to do what I'm doing today and if the answer is no for multiple days then it's time to re-align your life.

And many wise words can be found in this short message.

Friday, December 2, 2011

A Friendly Reminder

Good day,

2011 is coming to an end. December, people start getting ready for Christmas while others are ready and waiting impatiently to give the outdated gifts they bought months ago. December for some is the only month they cook well prepared meals and desert, to redeem them selves or to impress relatives. December is a very busy month for many reasons we all know too well.

My reminder to you is that December is the last chance you'll ever get to fulfill your 2011 resolutions. Admit it that you did not maintained or accomplish them. If you did, I think you've set the bar a little to low. Finish the year on a high note, complete all those resolutions and get ready for 2012. Yearly resolutions are not made to be transferable from one year to the next, or else they'd be called life resolutions.

Unfortunately, this does not seems to be the case. Each January, gym subscriptions skyrocket. Abs King Pro, Roller, Disintegrator 3000 or what ever they are called fly off the shelves. Get over with it now and set new objectives for next year. Realistic and measurable one.

30 days left to make 2011 worth while if you haven't done it yet. We'll talk again in a month when it's time to set new ones for 2012.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Video: A Liter Of Light

Here's an example that great ideas are not always complex. When there is a need, people find ways to overcome them. Just as I discussed in an earlier blog about how the need to have easy to build and warm houses in the cold Arctic.

Watch this video to see how these people found a way to lighten their lives with a simple solution, yet not common.

Monday, October 31, 2011

7 Billion: Are You Typical?

A follow up video from my earlier 7 billion post.

Today, October 31, 2011, there are 7 Billion us.

Are you a typical person? What is a typical person in the 7 billion of us? What does the typical person looks like? Male or Female? Where does that person live? Find out...

"Our choices make a big difference... when multiplied by 7 Billion"

You can now download the free 7 Billion iPad app with all the articles, videos and interactive maps and charts from the Apple App Store.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

7 Billion, National Geographic Magazine

According to the United Nations the world's population is projected to pass 7 BILLION on October 31, 2011. National Geographic Magazine as put together a collection of articles exploring what that means for all of us.

Here's their promo video, extremely well put together and eye opening. Give some thought to what you'll see.

You can now download the free 7 Billion iPad app with all the articles, videos and interactive maps and charts from the Apple App Store. You'll be just amazed at the facts they've gathered. I strongly recommend this app. I'm sure it's also available in paper.

"The challenge: How to share and sustain the planet while lifting even more people into a better life."

Following in the same direction as my latest post on accountability,

"How big will the population actually grow? What will the planet look like in 2045 [projected 9 billion]? ... The answers will depend on the decisions each of us makes."

Each of us.

Friday, October 28, 2011

When it's everyone else's fault

ac·count·a·bil·i·ty   noun /əˌkountəˈbilitē/  1. To be liable to account for one's actions;

This word of simple meaning is slowly fading away from people's thoughts as society makes it easier and easier to blame others. In almost all situations it is pretty easy to point at someone else or something else for being the cause for our misfortunes.

Before I write anymore, I am aware that I told you I'd have a post about conflicts later this week. It is on it's way, I felt I needed a little more preparation to write a good blog entry. And tonight something, which I'll talk about shortly sparked my interest in the increasing lack of accountability from all of us. That being said let me continue...

Even though my example, the one which sparked my thoughts, is about a very sensitive subject my intent is not to point or judge any group of people by color, language, disability or any other minority. In fact, I love to see the weaker groups strive for excellence. In sports I'm often found cheering for the underdogs. It's often the way people battle for their rights I find misleading and unrepresentative of their true nature or even degrading to their peers.

I'm French Canadian and proud to be. I also live in a bilingual community and I am even more proud of that, to see the progress and how both French and English can co-exists. There are some moments of frictions which is perfectly normal but beyond that it's an harmonious relationship between both entities.

French being the minority, we sometimes have to fight our way. Which again is normal. Today on the News, they announced that a law (it may have been in probation for a while but I think it's just starting to be enforced) forcing billboards to be bilingual. This part of town is a bit more Francophone and some billboard were advertising in English only. To some, this may sound like a victory. To me, it's a poor way to force something on people. And I also find it stupid to force, in example, a radio station to post advertisement in two languages when it's a uni-lingual business.

This brings me to my initial definition of accountability. Maybe, just maybe, that if French people around here would talk French when dealing with businesses that businesses would notice how many of their clients are actually French. Or maybe instead of petitioning for bilingual advertisement French folks would only deal with businesses who makes an effort to offer service in both languages. I've personally stopped going at a certain coffee shop because I didn't get understand when I ordered a "Moyen café" in a part of town that's largely French (I also don't like their coffee much).

I would rather see both groups get along by nature, in a much more organic fashion. It takes time, it may be frustrating at some point but in the end there would be a mutual respect from both sides. Forcing matters rarely brings people closer.

All this being said. Lets take more responsibility for our own faith. Blaming the city for slipping on ice won't repair any broken hips, be careful when you put your own feet. Don't blame others for what's under your feet. Oh!! I should put that in a quote...

"Don't blame others for what's under your own feet."
- Me

 Start being accountable for your actions, your feelings, your moods and your thoughts. When you feel sad look for the reason within and not outside of you. When you make a mistake, it's not your neighbor's fault take responsibility for it. And the most important of all (yes, I kept the best for last)...

Don't wait for others to make you happy, be the happiness in you own life and the rest will follow.

I challenge you all to be accountable for your own lives.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Thought of the day - Balance

"The center is not always the point of balance. When you find that place where balance is achieved, peace will result in all situations. There is no conflict, for everything rests without stain." - Author Unknown

A very nice thought. Find balance and you will find peace. Life needs a little of everything but nothing in excess. 

Stay tuned this week for another quote on conflict. Unfortunately, conflicts are common but they are also avoidable. 


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Righting skils of teh 21st centery - Part 2: Digital Communication

Back in April I wrote a blog about the writing skills of people nowadays. Specifically about how we rely on tools like auto-completion and auto-correction to review our spelling. Google being the leader of information came out with an even more advance writing tool, Google Scribe. This tool not only try to complete the word you are typing but even try to figure the next word (yes, word you have not even started typing or have not even start thinking of yet). Meaning that technically I can now write entire blogs without even thinking. Let's try that...

Today I am going to be a part of the products name and address of the person who is not a valid stream resource in D minor for two violins and a cello player and a great deal of time. But the fact that the two are not the only one who can not afford to pay for the cost of the project is to develop a new method for the determination of the amount of the compound of formula I wherein R is a hydrogen atom or a methyl group at the University of California. In the end, the first and second portions of the first and second portions of the first and second portions of the first and second...

Hmm, I think I got into a loop at the end. I also think I'll keep writing my own blogs until Google finds something more interesting to say. The idea of the tool is not to tell you what to write but help you find the next word in case you have a blank. It does propose words which relates to the preceding terms, in which is does somewhat succeed.

So this is the future of auto-complete. So this is the future of writing. I'm not talking about literature writing, but common day to day writing. Messages, emails and chat. Type in a few keys and a whole paragraph has been completely written for you. How much time will we save? We'll become communicating machines, producing more and more mechanical interactions at an increasing rate of automation.

Keywords in my last sentence were machines, mechanical and automation. All organic form of communication will decrease to be replaced by digital communication. Digitization is the removal of imperfections, removing bits of reality to a degree perceivable by humans. Digital music sounds perfect to our ear by removing noises and frequencies not consciously perceived by humans. Digital videos presents vivid images by removing small details the human eyes can't perceive and presenting images not faster than the normal human perception rate. Digital communication while presenting a better and richer vocabulary will remove ideas not normally perceived by society and limit our communication to socially acceptable discussions without human creativity.

Google Scribe can be (and will be) a great tool but as any tool it's how you use it that matters. It's still in beta mode and can do impressive things. Soon it'll be on smart phones and people will use it to text and message each other relying more and more on it. Leaving it to their devices to formulate their ideas into words.

Will the digitization of communication occur? It is up to me, you and all of us to keep our mind free and to keep being creative in our daily lives.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Internet Candy - Draw a Stick Man

It's hard nowadays to find a really creative website, it affirms the statement I made earlier in September in my Ridley Scott director contest blog entry (go watch that movie short if you haven't) that creativity often emerges from a limited context. The web is not really limited and hence we seldom see creative web content.

Here's an exception. Not only it is creative in itself but it'll ask creativity back from you!

I couldn't find credit about the makers on the website, anyhow I raise my hat to you Anonymous Creator.

Friday, September 30, 2011

September Overview: In case you missed it!

September, end of summer and beginning of fall, has been a very pleasant month. Nice weather around here, a lot of interesting blog subject and even a "video week" of blog.

* We started the month with a Woody Allen quote that thought us that being present represent about seventy percent of successes in life.

* I discussed the four steps to master any thing. According to NLP, all things we learn goes through four essential steps before we master them. I pointed the step of conscience incompetence as being the hardest of the four steps to overcome and that we tend to want to skip. It's not always easy to admit we suck at some task.

"Happiness comes from within. If you choose to be happy, no one and no thing can ever take that happiness from you."

* Luck, coincidence and faith. Following some event that happened to me I found this very interesting video of best seller author Paulo Coelho discussing luck, coincidence and faith. I also discuss a video I didn't like on the subject.

* I felt a motivational video from Chris Cade added an essential missing piece from the popular "Secret" video and book. The fact that things are there for us if and only if we act upon them. Thinking about our dream life and living a passive life just won't bring us far.

* Creativity in humans always comes forth when pushed by limited resources. This winning video is the perfect example of that. Simply a must see.

Finally, remember that...

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Quote - A Small Quote With a Big Meaning

Some quotes are complex, some are funny, some have hidden meanings while others are straight to the point. Today's quote is short and right to the point.

"No one is coming"

I'd put an author but many people must have said those words at one time or another. But the inspired meaning of the quote, which I'll explain my view in a bit, came to me from Nathaniel Branden in his book The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem, which by the way is a must read for anyone conscious about their life.

"No one is coming" does not mean we'll forever be alone. It does not mean we'll never get help. It does not mean love does not exist. It simply means that if somebody truly wants something, they are the ones who'll have to put the effort to get it. No one is going to come do it for them. If Andy wants a great job, he can leave it to luck but chances are much better if does everything in his power to get it. No one is coming to save anyone, make others life right or even exercise for strangers. Waiting for miracles to happen on there own can be comforting but rarely yields to good results. Everyone is responsible for it's own existence.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Video: Ridley Scott Director Contest Winner

Since it is apparently video week. I have another very interesting video.

The following is the winner of a contest run by the popular movie director Ridley Scott and Phillips (as a sort of promotion for their television I assume). The challenge was to create a three-minute short using only 6 lines of dialogue. The six lines had to be used in the exact same order and could not be altered in any way (Except language, but had to be subtitled in that case). The phrases were: “What is that?,” “It’s a unicorn,” “Never seen one up close before,” “Beautiful,” “Get Away, Get away,” and “I’m sorry.”

It seems very limiting at first. Three minutes, 6 phrases. But it is often when confronted with limitation that the surprising human race comes up with the most original ideas and inventions. I discussed a similar concept earlier this year when talking about igloos and how hundreds of years ago humans stranded in the cold, with very limited resources found not just a way to build houses out of snow, but the BEST way know to man to build them which even today with all the engineers and computers have not found a better way.

Take a minute or two to think of a story using the above phrases.

And now look at what the winner, director Keegan Wilcox, has constructed with so little.

Visit the contest page for more surprising videos.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Video: Notes from the Universe by Chris Cade

It's video week!!

Yes, another video. Which means less typing for me. This video from Chris Cade is about the abundance of the Universe, that someone can get what they want from it if and only if they decide to act on it. If and only if they go all the way through. If and only if they do something about it today.

I like that particular part of it. Thinking about what someone wants (has explained in "the Secret") is important but acting on our dreams is as important if not more. Probably, more. Nobody ever climb Mt.Everest by sitting on a couch.


(Reminder: If you don't want to miss any of my posts you can either, subscribe to it on Blogger, Subscribe by Email or Follow BlissOdyssey on Twitter. All those marvelous options are in the right sidebar. You should act on it now!)

Friday, September 16, 2011

Video: Paulo Coelho on Luck, Coincidence, and Faith

A very unlikely event happened to me this morning which brought me to question coincidence. I'm not going to discuss it in detail, just that it is one of those time when without any conscious reasons you do something different that usual and find out that the result of your usual behavior would have been disastrous. Now is that a coincidence? Maybe, maybe not. I wish I knew the answer to that.

Curious, a quick Youtube search returned me an unsatisfying and boring video of a mathematical view on coincidence. I say, unsatisfying because the author basically said that applied to the masses coincidence just don't look as much a coincidence after all. It's true. There is 6 billion people on earth, anything can happen to anyone. With so many people doing so many things even the most bizarre things you can imagine probably happened to someone, somewhere, sometime. And I say boring, because every example from the 9 minutes video were just additional view of this concept, which I did grasp withing the first 20 seconds of the video.

So that was one point of view on coincidence. Paulo Coelho's view on coincidence is less scientific/mathematical but sounds a lot less cynical and a lot more empowering than the idea that things only happens because they do. A view to which you can at least gain something out of and build on. This discussion is part of a series of discussions linked in some ways to The Alchemist for the 20th anniversaries of the book release. So here's Paulo Coelho on this very subject:

What's your view on coincidence?

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The 4 steps to mastery

In an August video post about the Power of Affirmation, I briefly discussed neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). I also said I had a few topics about NLP I wanted to discuss, today is one of those.

According to NLP, the learning experience is divided into 4 stages.

1 - Unconscious Incompetence: This is when you don't know how to do something and you also don't know that something even exist. For example a young kid walking everywhere in the house with muddy boots, he's not conscious about house cleanness and does it all wrong. But he doesn't know, it's completely unconscious. Poor example but I think it fits.

2 - Conscious Incompetence: This is I think the hardest step to go through and probably the show stopper for grown up wanting to learn something new. This is when you know you want to learn something, know about what you want to learn but also know that you can't really do it right, yet. For example, this is me trying to play the guitar, I know the chords, I know the melodies and all that stuff but I can't play the guitar. This step demands a whole lot of effort to master.

3 - Conscious Competence: Now you're starting to know what you're doing. You've mastered your skill but you still need all your attention to perform it. Lets stick to my guitar example. We'll pretend I've practiced playing for quite a while now, I can play many many songs and it sounds pretty good. But I need to look at my hands when I play and if my attention is taken away from my playing it throws me off completely. An other example could be when someone starts driving they must keep their full attention on the road, look for signs, lights, other cars, think about the break and accelerator pedals.

4 - Unconscious Competence: This is mastery of a skill. When it's become second nature. Like driving after a few years, it becomes partially unconscious. Yes, you need to keep your attention but I'm pretty sure you don't stop to think about how to put your signal light on. All the car functions have been programmed to a reflex level in your brain. The only way to attain this level of learning is by repetition, you can't get to this mastery stage by reading on a subject or skill.

This was a very short description of the learning process. I hope you enjoyed this little bit of information. NLP is filled with useful pieces of knowledge which can be applied on your day to day lives. Sometimes, simply understanding how certain part of us is working will help us growing.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Quote - Happiness From Within

Here the quote from the Zen card I randomly picked this morning. There is lots of inspiration on these little cards and which ever card I randomly pick can always be applied to my day.

"Happiness comes from within. If you choose to be happy, no one and no thing can ever take that happiness from you."

Have a fun happy day!

Friday, September 9, 2011

A Bursting Bubble Photograph

Here's a picture I found the other day from an unknown photographer. I've found several of those pictures of a bursting bubble but this one is my favorite. It's quite magical to look at. Must have taken quite a lot of takes to get this one perfect shot.

Since a picture is worth a thousand words and it's too late for me to write a thousand words, I'll simply let you look at the picture and let you come up with the thousand words.


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Quote - Woody Allen - Showing Up

In this quote Woody Allen proposes a similar concept as Wayne Gretzky in his quote I discussed earlier.

"Seventy percent of success in life is showing up."
- Woody Allen

Wayne said you missed all the shots you don't take. Woody said most success of life are attributed to just showing up. When people with great success in life like those two masters of their respective fields says words of wisdom, people should listen and listen well.

Woody's quote is simple, you won't have any success if you pass opportunities. Or in other words, sitting on your couch at home won't bring you much. I doubt Woody was talking about showing up on time for an 8 o'clock sitcom.

Have a great day everyone and next time someone ask you to do something, show up! Opportunities always show up when you least expect it.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

August Overview - If you missed it!

August has been our busiest month so far, almost doubling the traffic of the blogs previous busiest month. All thanks to you, the readers.

So here's an overview of the month of August just in case you missed something or don't really feel like reading everything.

* In Learning, are you? I discussed how we often forget to keep learning as we get older and immersed in our work and daily routines. Learning is not easy but should not be dismissed from our lives.

* I talked about the need to take a leap of faith if we really want to achieve our goals. We'll have to lose sight of our comfort zone to get to new heights, so well depicted by Christopher Columbus's quote. This little penguin also shows what it is to take a leap of faith!

"Inspiration always arrives unannounced"
- Vanna Bonta

* On the 8th, I shared my thoughts on Converting Hate in Motivation by sharing a personal experience from when I was in University and found it hard to find passion in courses which I found boring at the time.

* When you meet someone for the first time look for the features and traits to which you can link their names to. Remembering people's name is not an easy task for the brain but there are a few tricks which can help you.

* Remember to always Challenge yourself to do things in better ways. If you are conscious about what you are doing, you'll learn and improve every time making you more and more efficient in everyday tasks. Also you'll find it more motivating when you see improvements.

* Finally, I showed you a video on The Power of Affirmation using NLP principals.

I hope you enjoyed reading the month of August's posts as much I enjoyed writing them. Keep coming for September, I have a lot of interesting topics to discuss and more ideas are always popping in my mind as I experience life.

Go for your dreams.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Video: The Power of Affirmations

I've always been a believer of the power of words on your mood and even beyond that. The following video is a good demonstration of the power of inner speech. Listen carefully at about 2:10, that's the message which should be remembered in this video.

The video is part of an NLP trainning. NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming. It's a field of psychology which deals in part with language and the way it affects the brain. There is a lot of material covered by NLP which are great for personal improvement. I have a few NLP topics I'm preparing for this blog so stay tuned to learn more.

If you desperately can't wait, Introducing NLP by Joseph O'Connor and John Seymour is a great place to start.

Enjoy the video!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Quick Thoughts: Challenge Yourself

Just a very short blog today to share a thought I just had.

Often when I find myself lacking the motivation to do chores I like to challenge myself. See how fast I can do something or how much I can do before a certain time. Always trying to be efficient. It's worthless to do something fast and all wrong. It makes things more fun and rewarding. So today, at lunch I had about 10-15 minutes to spare before getting back to work. In staid of lazying it out (I thought I was inventing a word but the auto-correct seams to like the word lazying, perhaps it just being lazy!) I tried to do as much house chores as I could.  10 minutes later and nothing broken I felt much more energized and happy with myself than if I'd passed those 10 minutes sitting on my butt.

 Have a good day!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Quote - Christopher Columbus - Crossing The Ocean

Continuing on the leap of faith topic from the beginning of the month. Here's one of my latest favorite quotes. Christopher did something amazing back in the days, and this quote is true to what he did. Now it is to everyone to apply it to our lives if we wish to accomplish anything great.

"You can never cross the ocean if you don't have to courage to lose sight of the shore."
- Christopher Columbus

Monday, August 15, 2011

What's your name?

In a recent post about learning I said I had a bad memory. One thing I've always had a hard time with is remembering people's name. Turns out, just like my onion problem, there is a solution.

I've found out why not too long ago. Without going into details, first I don't know them all and secondo memory is way too complex to discuss in a small blog like this. What we need to know is that our brain likes to memorize things using connections.

You know how sometimes you'll smell an odor and a memory instantly comes to mind. Freshly cooked apple pie could remind you of your mother doing some when you where only a child. The music of your first kiss. Those are strong connections. But just go through your memory and you'll see that everything is connected, it can be to an image, a sound, a smell or a feeling.

So what does that has to do with remembering people's names? The exact same thing happens with people's name. The first time you encounter someone, your brain identify that person to a "human being" possibly a male or a female. As you interact with that "human being" some features starts to come out. You notice its dark hair, its posture, its blue eyes etc. The more details you see the more that "human being" starts to be an individual in your head. At one point, some features will differentiate that "human being" from other "human beings" you know. Only once it's singled out from your general perception of a "human being" can your brain starts to make those connections which will enable you to connect a name, car, home and anything you want to link to that person.

Since the name of a person is usually given at a very early stage of an encounter at a time when that person is still seen as a general "human being" in your brain. Then the link to it's name is lost because it could not be connected to anything tangible in your brain.

So being able to memorize names has nothing to do with memory but a lot to do with observation. From the first sight to the "Hi, my name's Henry" handshake you must observe, Henry in this case, and single out some features which will make sure you'll remember Henry for Henry. A blue shirt would not work since John can also wear a blue shirt and there are good chances Henry have shirts of other colors. It must be something specific to that person, a trait

I know I'm not the only one having problems with people's name, if you are one of those I hope this is going to help you in the future.

Friday, August 12, 2011

If a tree fall in the forest?

Here's a funny bit from a friend sent me earlier this week. It somewhat relates to one of my earlier posts in which I questioned if we were really smarter in this new age of Information.

Anyhow, this one is funny but still not that far from reality either.

Enjoy and visit their website for more comics.

If it's too small to read you can view the original here.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Unannounced Quote and News

Here's today's quote.

"Inspiration always arrives unannounced."
Vanna Bonta in Rewards of Passion 

I agree, sometimes when you seek inspiration the best thing  is to forget about it and it'll often come when you least expect it. You just have to be ready for when it knocks at your door.

Some unannounced news:

As you know we've hit a 1000 views a few weeks back. Since then, the site traffic as been soaring. With the starting success the site has had so far, I have more plans for it down the road. I'm keeping them a surprise for now, until I iron out the details.

One thing I'm going to say and give you the opportunity to participate in if you like. BlissOdyssey will change name for reasons that have to do with my future plans. If you have any ideas please feel free to let me know in the comments below.

Hope you are as excited as me for what's to come!

Have a great day!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Convert Hate to Motivation

Human beings are strongly opinionated individuals and even more strongly opinionated in groups. We may love art and hate sports. Maybe you enjoy reading, hopefully you do since you are reading my blog, but find watching movies boring. You might like mathematics and dislike history classes. Everyone is entitled to like and dislike what they want.

All this is subjective and should stay like that.

But sometimes matters we are not very fond of are forced on us. For example, if you are on a bus tour and a movie is playing, it's hare to ignore it even if it's a genre you don't find pleasure in watching. Same goes at university you'll have classes that doesn't interest you. The context you're in doesn't matter, if you start of with the thought that you will hate your experience, you will.

That's why you have to make a conscious effort to change your mindset prior to engaging yourself in an experience you apprehend. One thing you must know is that all disciplines have people who are passionate about it. It may not be your "thing" but it is somebody else's "thing". And if someone has found passion in it, then without a doubt there must be something of value in that discipline. So instead of blindly walk through your experience being miserable because you want to hate it, make it a personal challenge to find what adepts value in it.
When I was in university, I had to take a Sociology class. I thought the subject was boring from the start. Not once was I anticipating to get to that class. I had an attitude for failure from day one. What happened was, I failed. The only class that I ever failed. I took the class again the next year with the intention of finding what values it had. There are Masters in Sociology, there must be something interesting in it that some people spent their lives studying it. The second time around, I actually liked the class and passed it easily.

 Don't let your own thoughts bring you down. All experiences are worth living even if it is one that we won't want to go through again. Appreciate the value in all things and see it as a challenge to yourself instead of starting with an attitude guaranteeing failure and unhappiness.


Friday, August 5, 2011

Penguin Leap of Faith

Sometimes, you just need to take your courage and jump.

Simply look at the following example...

If a penguin can do it, so can we all!

"To trust one's mind and to know that one is worthy of happiness is the essence of self-esteem" 

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Learning. Are you?

"Life is a learning adventure"

We've heard this, or something vaguely similar, over and over. Or even something like:

"We learn something new everyday"

Yes, those two statements are true. Yesterday, I learned that ground ivy actually crawled on the ground. I thought each leafy thing had it's own roots. See I learned something! Cool. But that's forced learning, I'm not really interested in ground ivies, I actually want to get rid of them on my lawn and tried to rip them off the ground to find out, to my amazement, that they came in bunches.

Not very long ago, I realized that I have a bad memory. I've never been able to remember names easily, phone numbers don't even ask me and historical dates are things of the past in my head. I'm not saying I'm dumb. I know a lot of things, but usually general concepts. Everything logic, I'm your man, I'm the king of coherence, rational and deduction but I don't know your name.

So what? That's me, I was made like that.

Thing is. That's not true, the true statement would read like this instead: That's me, I AM like that. I have a bad memory because I never put any effort in remembering thing, that is up to this day. It is impossible to be perfect after your childhood but for some reason, a lot of people think that because they did not acquire a particular skill when they were young that it's not them and they can't learn it anymore. Here are some phrases you hear often:

"I'd like to make good meals but I can't cook."

"Wow, you're lucky, you can play the guitar. I wish I could but my parent didn't play any instruments when I was young."

Blaming your parents or your childhood for not being able to do something today won't help you. The idea of being magically able to master something in an instant and without effort all crosses our minds, but it's far from the reality. Whatever age you are you can learn and master something. The secret behind it is practice, practice, practice and the will to learn.

Think back about a time when you were deeply passionate about something. How much space it took, in your mind and in your life. Have you spent days trying to do something as stupid as it was? I devoted days trying to be a ninja. It didn't work in the end but I was passionate about it. I learned how to tie a ninja mask with a piece of cloth... but I forgot. Darn memory! If only I could tap into that passion today.

Sure, with adult responsibilities it's not easy to try to master the guitar for countless hours. It takes discipline and passion. And a lot less TV and Facebook.

Back to my memory problem. It's funny how clueless I was when memorizing stuff. I've started some lessons and read a bit about it. I almost gave up at the first exercise after reading the techniques. I had to remember 24 completely random words without the use of pen and paper then write them down in order they were written. I can't even remember a phone number. I thought that was crazy, I almost burnt the whole thing. But after much debate I decided to give it a try...

Phone, Cupboard, TV, Cup, Plate, Dog, Fridge, Can, Helmet, Wallpaper, Leaves, Sweater, Shoulder strap, Cake, Lemon, Bike, Handkerchief, Tea, Program, Tape Recorder, Tap, Window, Sugar

Ok, that's only 23, but it was last week that I did the exercise. I've just barely put a few hours effort so far and it's already paying off.

Yes life is about learning, but it's up to you to make it about learning things YOU want to learn and improve.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

You are amazing!!

Thank you!

You are amazing!

Why? The BlissOdyssey blog has hit a thousand views this week. I write for the people who read my blog and also because I love to do so. But to see the growth of the blog is an inspiration for me to keep writing.

I started last fall with the idea to start a blog, not really knowing what to write about. I didn't want to write about my day to day life, that would not be very interesting for random people. And the persons to whom my day to day life matters are part of it. After some thinking I decided to blog about motivation and life goals. It's a topic I hold dear. I believe we should always try to better ourselves no matter how old we are or in what life situation we're in. Learning is a lifelong experience.

Talking about learning, that's going to be my next blog subject so be sure to come back to read it.

With the relative success of my blog I intend to keep at it. As long as people will want to read I'll write. Thanks to all for your support.

Here's a small piece of wisdom to end today's blog:

"Find the courage to hold on to your beliefs, even if the world around you chooses differently. Have the courage to change those beliefs that no longer fit the person you have become. In doing so, you truly become yourself."
- Author Unknown


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Simply vacation

Ocean panning to the horizon, a cool salty breeze blowing through the long beach grass, sandy shore to my left and rocky cliffs at my right. Behind me was infinite grassy hills spotted with multicolored houses looking like small mushrooms. The sky was cloudy and the sun getting ready for a night's rest. Sharing all this beauty with people I love.

Doesn't that sound magical? That is exactly how I felt on vacation last week as I looked around me. As impressive and as immersing this seems, I still had the urge to pickup my iPad and connect to a wireless network to check my emails. I open it and see that I have no service. The campground's network was only 10$ for the week, I've paid much more to get there, this was nothing.

At that moment I looked around me again. The ocean. The wind in the sand. The beach. The colorful hills. The wonderful people around me. And I asked myself, what will Internet bring to that already magical moment?


Vacations are about escaping your day to day routine. Forget about that TV show you watch on Monday nights, forget about your emails (don't worry they'll wait until you get back), forget about everything and live the moment. Now. There's no tomorrow or yesterday when you're on vacation.

I've had some hectic vacations in the past in which I've seen loads of marvelous landmarks. But I have to admin that these vacations when I woke up in the morning without a clue what I was going to do that day were refreshing and relaxing.

Where was that little piece of heaven?

Les Iles de la Madelaine. A set of small tiny islands about 80 kilometers North of Prince Edward Island, Canada. People in those remote places don't know about stress. They go know about helping and supporting your community, something I talked about briefly in my earlier blog Food for Thought. I found it inspiring to see the local products so widely spread over the islands. Crafts from china is still cheaper but everywhere you went you saw local crafts. I visited a sand craft shop, drove on the other side of the island at a small coffee shop to see their lampshades made from sand I've seen earlier, serving beer from the brewery I visited the day before. I'm going at the market next weekend.

So. I had wonderful vacations filled with inspiring moments. Relaxing environment. And no Internet!

Simply marvelous. I can't wait for my next vacations.

Here's a few other pictures I took from the island.

Beautiful local art by Arthure

Local beer. Excellent.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Fun Theory - Piano stairs and more...

Here's a nice video. If fun things makes people do more exercise I'm all for it. There's probably not notes playing on all stairs but you can sing in your head while climbing the stairs if it makes you happier!

Visit the fun theory website, a Volkswagen initiative, for more videos where they experiment with fun ideas to promote better behaviors like ways to encourage people to follow speed limits or throw away their garbage in the "World's deepest bin"!

Have a great day everyone and have lot of fun!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Quote - Lao Tzu - Thousand Miles Journey

All things you want to achieve or accomplish in life has one thing in common. It all starts with the first step!

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." - Lao Tzu

I feel like I should write more about this since it's a very important concept to take the first step. One question comes to mind. What is the first step? It's the first action taken toward your goal. In the case my blog for example the first step was to register my blog on Blogger. Just thinking about doing a blog and what I'm going to talk about is not a step. It's just like debating which road to take to your destination, you can reflect on it for weeks but are not going anywhere as long as you don't take that first step.

I watch a video conference of Cameron Johnson a while back. Cameron is 26 today. He made 50000$ selling Beanie Babies at the age of 12. He was making 15000$ a day at the age of 15 and made his first million before graduating high school. One of the thing he highlighted as being one of his top factor in achieving all this was to put himself out there. That's the first thing to do in anything you wish to accomplish. 

If I don't tell anyone I'm writing a blog, who going to read it? If you stay home how are you going to meet a potential girlfriend? How are you going to sell paintings if they sit in your basement? Get yourself out there, talk about your ambitions, attend conventions or anything related to your goals.

Take that first step and the momentum may carry you further and faster than you may have thought!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Life's a marathon: Allegory #2

In the first marathon allegory I talked about how important experience was. It is experience which set your pace, without experience you'll either run too fast or too slow, waste energy when you should gain back energy and mush more factors that determines if you ever reach your goal.


"Injury happens. When it does, it's up to you to decide if you keep running or not once you're back on your feet"

I twisted my right ankle this week and I can't run. I'm not sure when I'll be able to make my next long run but I will run again. That's my choice.

This may seems trivial when applied to running but this concept is present in our lives. We all love or loved to do certain things. For example, traveling. Some people love traveling around the world. But injuries happens. While in life situation a twisted ankle won't stop someone from its traveling habit having babies may. This would be an injury to his ability to travel, so to speak. But once back on his feet, the children old enough, traveling can resume. There's no reason why someone can't travel once their injury is cured.

I'm in my thirties and I've seen it happen over and over again. People loving sports stop because they're in college and never take up sport again. Even though they miss the old days. Some leave their bands and stop playing music to focus on a job. Others stop drawing, writing, painting because they get in a new relationship.

Life is long, when you take a break from something you love, don't make it an absolute break. Get back to it once you're back on you feet.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Quote - Along Came The Hippo

Sometimes, you're caught liking something ordinary. You see a plain blue shirt and like it for no apparent reasons, same goes for movies. Along Came Polly is one of those movies for me, when I think about it nothing really stands out, ordinary flick story, simple characters and average acting. Somehow all this mixed with a blind ferret did the trick for me.

Somewhere at the beginning of the movie, Claude, a French scuba diver instructor, tells the story of the hippo which even in this comical setting as a profound meaning.

Claude: It's like zee story of zee heeppo.
Reuben Feffer: I'm not familiar with that story.
Claude: Zee heeppopotamoose, he is not born saying, "Cool beans. I am a heeppo." No way, Joesay. So he try to paint zee stripe on him to be like zee zebra, but he fool no one. Then he try to put zee spot on zee skin to be like the leopard, but everyboody know he is a heeppo. So, at certain point, he look himself in zee mirror and he just say, "Hey. I am a heeppopotamoose and zere is nothing I can do about it." As soon as he accepts zis, he live life happy. Happy as a heeppo. You understand zis, Luban?
Reuben Feffer: [long pause] I'm gonna kill you!

Don't be alarm at Reuben's response to the Hyppo tale, if you don't know the relation between Reuben and Claude watch the movie!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Quote - Believing Alice

Here's an interesting dialogue from Lewis Carroll's Alice Through the Looking Glass

"I can't believe that" said Alice.
"Can't you?" the Queen said in a pitying tone. "Try again: draw a long breath, and shut your eyes."
Alice laughed. "There's no use trying,"she said. "One can't believe impossible things."
"I dare say you haven't had much practice," said the queen. "When I was you age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast"

I'm not going to comment this any further, I'll let it to you to believe what you will. Just remember that beliefs influence our behaviors, motivates us (or discourage us) and gives stability to our lives a good or bad ways. But beliefs can be changed.

Believing today is going to be a great day would be a good start!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Normality: From Paulo Coelho's Blog

Here a great post from Paulo Coelho's Blog

A list of traits for normality. It's quite an eye opening post. I find myself in may of those situations, some of which I'm trying to correct others which I'd like to get away from.

Here only a few traits out of the 47 he identifies.

1] Anything that makes us forget our true identity and our dreams and makes us only work to produce and reproduce.

2] Making rules for a war (the Geneva Convention).

3] Spending years at university and then not being able to find a job.

4] Working from nine in the morning to five in the afternoon at something that does not give us the least pleasure, so that we can retire after 30 years.

5] Retiring only to discover that we have no more energy to enjoy life, and then dying of boredom after a few years.

Click here to visit his blog for the complete list.


Friday, June 17, 2011

Video: Derren Brown - Miracles for Sale

Here's a very interesting video by Derren Brown, a British illusionist, mentalist, painter, writer and sceptic (More on Wikipedia). What's interesting about Derren is that even if he performs mind reading feats, he claims that there are no psychic powers involves. He says his acts are done only through magic tricks, suggestion, psychology and misdirection.

In this video Derren sets out on a journey to expose the fraud of faith healers. He picks a regular person and trains him to become a faith healer who can cure people through the power of God.

The video is quite long, a little over an hour, but is worth watching as he unveils how those healing scams to which people donate millions and millions of dollars.

This goes a long way to show that what we see, hear and feel is not always what it seems.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Quote - Albert Einstein - Riding a Bicycle

I love this one. I like to make comparisons between life and simple things. As I did in my Life's a Marathon blog post. Which by the way the part 2 is coming real soon!

And on top of being a nice life comparison this one comes from my old buddy Al a.k.a Albert.

"Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving." - Albert Einstein

Keep trying new stuff, going forward. Here's an excerpt from Paolo Coelho's blog :

"To do something that sometimes scares you but you should do because you may like or you may not like."

Click here to read his whole story.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Life's a marathon Allegory #1

Berlin Marathon
Hi all,

I'm so happy to see the sun today and to be rid of the cold that's been following my for nearly a month. So starting yesterday I've started my running program, 2 days into the program I've already doubled my implication into it! Last time I started was the day before I caught that interminable cold and the same time the sun went on vacation for 3 weeks. It's the first time I try this program, I've upgraded to an intermediate program averaging 16km a week for 12 weeks. Yesterday was painful and exhausting, today much better already.

So 37 minutes of running gives you some time to reflect on things. I was comparing running to life in general and there are a lot to learn from running which can be applied to life at large.

Instead of putting all my thoughts into one post, I'll break it down in a few posts to make it easy to read. At the end of which you will have all the tools you need to get to your goals in life! Ok, that's a little bit far fetched, but I hope it will helps!

So here's the Life's a Marathon Allegory #1

"Experience is more important than physical shape."

No matter how healthy and strong your body is, you can burn all your energy within a few hundred meters, long distance running is all about pacing and balancing your energy level. Life is similar, you start with great ambitions, travel the world, become CEO of a Fortune 500 enterprise, be a professional athlete or a star singer but without any plans and a way to balance all aspects of life those magnificent goals are unattainable. You can be young, full of energy and motivation but without seeking help from mentors, or experience your chances of succeeding greatly reduced.

We have to face the fact that life is not easy. Running a marathon when you've never did any long runs before is not easy. It's only through experience, multiple tryouts, and the help of mentor or a trainer that you can run a complete marathon to your full potential. There's more to it than just getting outside and starting to run. This is why most people peak at running in their mid-thirties and early forties, that's when experience meet physical strength at their peaks.

Gaining experience in life is key to succeeding.

Stay tuned for Life's a Marathon Allegory #2

Friday, May 20, 2011

Quote - Paulo Coehlo - Sunny Days And Rain

Here's a quote directly from Paulo Coehlo's Twitter.

"If you only walk on sunny days you'll never reach your destination"
I haven't posted a blog in a long time. It seams like I haven't been walking on rainy days since it's been raining for at least 2 weeks here. But I've been slowed down by a nasty cold the past weeks. We had some sun yesterday and I'm feeling better today. Seems like the cold was waiting for a sunny day to walk on.

So to all people living in Eastern Canada right now, don't stop walking cause it doesn't seams like the rain wants to go away anytime soon as it's hiding again after one day out!

P.S.: A lot of people asked me how to comment to my posts, you needed to have a Google account. But I've found a setting to allow comment from anyone now. So everybody can leave comments.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Video: McGurk Effect - Is Seeing Believing?

This is a very interesting video on how our brain can override what we perceive. Brings us to wonder what else our brain overrides without us knowing.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Video: Inspirational Speeches from Movies

Here's a nice video. Some of the best inspirational quotes from movies. It's a bit fast, I wish we could hear the whole speeches at time but still nice to watch.


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Quote - Marilyn Manson - Going All The Way

Photo by Georges Biard
I've always said, a good quote is a good quote no matter who said it. If you can gain something from a quote or a saying take it no matter who said it. Some 3 year old kids sometimes have insightful saying. Some serial killer could say something meaningful about life. Who knows? Every persons have their own baggage of experience from which we can all learn a bit.

A lot of people would not approve all the things Marilyn Manson does. Very few parents would like their kids to follow his tracks. But nonetheless, here's a very good quote from a man who's actions are questionable.

"A lot of people as gone most of the way, so you really have to to go all the way to make something in life."

Of course "all the way" can mean different things to different persons. As with all quotes, everybody finds the meaning that fits them.

This quotes comes from the book Everybody Loves You When You're Dead from Neil Strauss. This particular section with Marilyn Manson ends with a pretty unsettling citation... "I think I have a lot more in store that people really won't expect". Coming from a person like that, I REALLY don't know what to expect!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Dark Powers of Waiting

Since I don't have children, one of the things I've always wondered is at what point in your child's life do you tackle on sensitive matters? At what point do storks stop delivering babies to your door? That one isn't too bad, the question will come one day or another and you just answer it truthfully. But what about the more subtle things like making their own bed or folding their own cloths. It's been done for them for years and someday, somehow they must start doing it on their own. It's easy to say that you simply ask, but when? Don't forget it's years of habits, you can't just change that overnight. It wouldn't be fair for the kid or the parent.

Now, what about the other aspects of life? Waiting, gaining habits is as much powerful in any aspects of life.

Personal life, the longer you wait before starting working on your personal goals, the lazier you'll get and harder it will be to break your lazy habits to take out challenges. If you run everyday it's almost effortless to get up and run a few miles before going to work but if you never or rarely do it, it's going to be extremely demanding to do. You find excuses to delay your running, like humm writing a blog post... I'm going right after this...

In a relationship, with someone you love, a friend or family, if something bothers you the longer you wait before bringing it up the tougher it will be to tell the other. Even at one point you'll start to doubt yourself and try to convince your own self that it's non-important. I said if something bothers you but same goes for the things you like and love about someone. The longer you wait the harder it will be to get it out.

According to Cesar Milan, the Dog Whisperer, a dog can learn any trick or new behavior at any age at the same rate as when it's young. But you've surely heard dog owners say something like "I hate it when it does that but it's to old now to learn otherwise". A dog behavior is mostly based on your own day to day routine. Most of the time changing a dog behavior would mean changing your own way of doing things and that is often the problem to training an old dog new tricks. It's not the dog who is too old to learn, it's the owner who can't change its years long habits with its dog. I love watching the Dog Whisperer with Cesar Milan cause most of the time it turns out into couple therapy instead of dog therapy. It shows just how most of the time, when something is going wrong, you can track the source to yourself and adapt to change the world around you.

See the world around you as dogs who can always learn new tricks and behaviors but to teach them new tricks it is you who must change and adapt to new habits.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Video: Free Hugs

Here's a video to cheer you all. Lots of good things in life are free and are worth more than anything money can buy.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Righting skils of teh 21st centery

I was reading some posts on Facebook today and shaking my head at the difficulty people have in writing a complete sentence without errors. Why is it so hard nowadays to write correctly? As I thought about it there are many factors that which comes into play. As I said in my earlier post Are we smarter in this age of information, the fact that there is more information at our finger tips don't make us smarter. It surely makes our society smarter but as individual it doesn't.

In the case of writing, ease of information and tools like auto-correction in word processors make it so we don't have to bother writing well, we rely on technology (I wrote techonology, it got highlighted I right clicked on the word, it corrected it and I didn't even bother looking what error I made. I learned nothing out of that.) to correct us and don't try to correct ourselves.

That was factor #1 for bad writing.

Another factor, more specific to writing is that writing has become a quick way to communicate. The quicker the better. There's no time to think about grammar when you're texting (According to auto correct texting is not a word. I don't care.) your grocery list to your husband while driving at 100 km/h to make it through the traffic light before it turns red! I hope nobody really does that, it simply for the sake of extreme exampling! (To my great surprise, exampling seams to be a word according to my auto-correct!)

Writing used to be something done on occasions and it was something people took time to do well. Your mother would go through the letter you wrote to your girlfriend before mailing it (for my younger audience "mailing" is that thing, paper, that you put in an envelope also made of that thing, paper.) and correct your errors. Today, what mother would read all the Tweets of their boy and look for grammar errors?

That was factor #2. I'll leave it at that. There are countless other factors, like being kewl and hype by writing in abbreviations. Y'awl no wut I meen?

For the sake of this article I counted how many times I used the auto-correct. Total count of 7 and 3 of those were words I wasn't sure how to write in the first place that I would have looked in the dictionary anyhow.

Happy writing to all!!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Quote - Wayne Gretzky - The Great One

It's been a while since I've posted a quote. It's funny when I started my blog I planned to write some thoughts only once in a while and fill in with quotes but it turns out I have more thoughts to share than quotes. Which is a good thing. It just shows that not everything goes out to initial plans and when you adapt it all turn out great.

So this is a quote I had in my list from day one of my blog. It comes from Wayne Gretzky, the greatest hockey player of all time (arguably I guess).

"You miss a 100% of the shots you don't take"

The moral of this quote is that if you don't try anything you won't achieve anything. And that you must not wait for the perfect timing and for the shot with a 100% chance of success because it may never happen. Don't shoot too quickly or blindly all the time but make sure you take some shots. Try something. Stop waiting and go forward.

Monday, April 4, 2011

New season, new look and some highway thoughts

Spring is here. It's been here for over a week or so but it's starting to feel more and more like spring. I love Spring, the warming sun, the cool air and fresh scent. It brings some renewed energy in me.

And it also brings a new look to the blog. A greener, fresher look. With all the recent interest in my blog with that energy I'm getting from Spring I added new features to my blog to make it easier for people to follow it. Until now, I only shared my new posts on my Facebook status and there was the follow option in the right menu just there --->

Now, BlissOdyssey is on an all new level of sharenessness (Don't take your dictionary out, that's not a word I confirm it). I've added an email follow option in the right menu as well. Just submit your email and you should receive my blog updates.

That's not all, BlissOdyssey is now on Twitter. Where I'll keep you updated on new post on the blog and I'll also be sending some random thoughts and quotes here and there. Follow BlissOdyssey on Twitter.

Enough about the blog, I also have a few thoughts to share. Yesterday, as I was driving back home, yes, on the highway. It was late and I wanted to get home as soon as possible. But the hypnotic highway gave me the chance to think and reflect on different subjects.

I thought about my past and the persons who enhanced my life back then which I haven't seen since. I tried to make a list of five persons who made a positive change on my life, whom are not part of my life anymore. Could be teachers, old friends, coaches, relatives or a complete stranger perhaps. There are a lot of people who made a difference.

Peter, for all the crazy stuff we did.
Annie and Marie-Line for seeing beyond my tick shell of shyness.
Dave and Mike for starting our Ninja club.
And many many more. Some I may have forgotten about. Thank you.

Try the experience. Focus on the positive persons. There's no place for bullies and dream killers in your thoughts of the past. Make a list of five persons and you can even go further by trying to find them and thank them for the little gesture they did which you are grateful for.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Songs for Japan

There's already a zillions places where you can give to help people in Japan, but here's another original one and you get something in return!

It's an album that includes 38 songs from today's top stars all for a tiny 9.99$ to support Japan.

The 38 tracks include some of their biggest hits, featuring an exclusive remix of Lady GaGa’s “Born This Way,” Katy Perry’s “Thinking of You,” Bruno Mars’ “Talking to the Moon,” Adele’s “Make You Feel My Love," and more. All proceeds go to the Japanese Red Cross.

Thank you everyone for your generosity!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Merging thoughts and blogs

First, I want to thank everyone of you for the response and feedback you gives me on my blog. It's very appreciated and I'm grateful to have gathered so many readers in such a short period of time. I wasn't sure about starting this blog last fall but now I'm enjoying every bit of it and am very pleased with the route I took.

I got a comment about my last two entries about the cost of food and the elephant mindset story. If we combine those two blog together it would mean that we'd have to change our mindset to grow our own food.

It's a pretty good idea actually and if people can catch things out of Bliss Odyssey like that, it's great. My goal is to make people think about what's around them and make them aware of their choices.

I'll go a little further and merge another blog to these two. The highway alternative. There are always some alternative ways of doing things. Taking the highway or buying frozen vegetables, either way, it's your choice. Alternatively, you can take the country road which is filled with pleasant sights or grow your own flavorful carrots. We all sometimes need to take the highway alternative in life, the fastest and easiest route but we must not forget that we all have a choice. Remember that sometimes putting a bit more effort or time into something returns a greater memorable experience.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Food for thought: Actual cost of food

Food. We need it. A comment my better half made after reading an article about food pricing made me think about where food comes from and etc. So I did some research on food pricing. The numbers I found are aligned with those from the article. You can read further about the number in this Food Marketing Institution ( report on food marketing.

Basicaly, when you pay a dollar for food only 19¢ pays for all the effort needed to grow and produce that food. The remainder (81¢) pays for marketing fees which includes transportation (4¢), packaging(8¢), retailer share(4.5¢) and the biggest portion going to the labor of all that marketing (from truck driver to store clerks) at 38.7¢

Of the retailer's 4.5¢ share, only 1.9¢ is profit. The rest pays for its operations and its own marketing.

And there's an "other" 22.4¢ which I did not find much explications about but the sure fact is that it's a quarter of your money going somewhere else than paying for the actual food or paying for jobs created by this whole marketing process.

Next time you go to the superstore, divide your total bill by 5 and that's the cost to produce the actual food you bought.

That being said, where ever you are, support the local merchants as much as you can.

Here's a few more interesting links from :
Competition and Profit
Supermarket Facts